Grand Rapids Children’s Business Fair

From one of our parents:

"Thank you for all you do to make this event happen. It was our first year, but it's wonderful to hear how it's grown. We thought it was amazing. I wanted to share with you that Paige is VERY shy and has anxiety. She has never done well talking with strangers. But she was AMAZING that day! She did have practice at a few library sales during the summer, which helped. But, I didn't lift a finger and she talked and explained and sold to so many people she didn't know. I was incredibly proud of her. It was such a huge accomplishment for her! Best of all...she is proud of herself!! (And now she has a few friends who want to join next year!) Her business continues to thrive and she just made a $500 deposit into her bank account! Thank you!"

This event is an inspiring blend of ideas, creativity, and hard work.

Children, ages 5-14, develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and then open for customers at our one-day marketplace.  This is a family-friendly event, we encourage friends, family, community members, and entrepreneurs alike to come out and support the next generation of entrepreneurs. Businesses will be judged by local entrepreneurs to win cash prizes.

Grand Rapids Children's Business Fair is a partner of the Acton Children's Business Fair in Austin, Texas.

Watch promotional videos from previous years below:




Saturday, May 17, 2025

10:00am - 12:00pm

The Community Church Ada

7239 Thornapple River Dr. SE

Ada, MI 49301


Saturday, September 20, 2025

10:00am - 12:00pm

Grandville Farmers Market

4055 Maple St. SW

Grandville, MI 49418


Grand Rapids Children's Business Fair

entrepreneurship X innovation

Space Limited!

Sign up today to be the first to apply.


Event Info

We believe every child is a creative genius that can impact this world for the greater good.  The Grand Rapids Children's Business Fair gives the next generation of entrepreneurs a safe setting to display their latest business ventures, in hopes to make a profit.  

Our Core Mission is:

  1. Have children make something with their hands and their mind

  2. Sell to strangers in a safe venue, where failure is accepted

  3. Experience the freedom and responsibility of having some extra money to spend or give away

In the process of making a business, we want children to learn about costs, revenue, and profit.  They should calculate their break-even point and ensure their business is directed toward making a profit.  Parents choosing to invest in their child’s company are should expect a return on their investment. All loans must be paid back after the business fair.  The student can keep profits but is strongly encouraged to give away some too.  Students will learn about hiring and any significant labor done by friends or family members should be treated as hired labor and compensated.  The children's business fair is a way we want to give children the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century.  


"Let's Raise kids to be entrepreneurs!" by Cameron Herold
An entrepreneur since childhood, Cameron Herold wants parents and teachers to recognize and foster entrepreneurial talent in children.  His beautiful narrative about his youth and how that brought him success throughout his life.  

"Forget what you know" by Jacob Barnett
Jacob Barnett is an American mathematician and child prodigy. At 8 years old, Jacob began sneaking into the back of college lectures at IUPUI. After being diagnosed with autism since the age of two and placed in his school's special ed. program, Jacob's teachers and doctors were astonished to learn he was able to teach calculus to college students.

"What Adults Can Learn From Kids" by Adora Svitak
Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to teach.

The 3 magic seeds
A short online brochure that tells about the three magical seeds of discovering the entrepreneurial spirit and how to foster this in your children.  

Young entrepreneurs
A young entrepreneurs who need guidance, inspiration, direction and guidance.  

50 smartest teenagers
The world's 50 smartest teenagers article tells their stories, ventures and how they got there. 

Contact Us


If you’re interested in supporting the next generation of Grand Rapids business leaders, please send us a note through the contact form.